Thursday, July 23, 2015

Church Picnic 2015

This Sunday July 26, 2015 will be our annual church picnic at the KOA (Wagon Wheel CampGround) at 6787 Baker 47 Road. Worship will begin in the main building at 10:00am followed by lunch (bring a covered dish to share, drink, and table service), then our white elephant auction (You can bring something for the auction if you choose to do so). The church also provides access to all KOA activities for the day, so bring your family for some fun! Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Visitation and Communion

Tomorrow Afternoon 717/15 Pastor James and the Church elders will be out visiting and taking Communion to our shut-in's. If you know of anyone who would like to receive Communion please call the church @ (419)-347-7777 and leave us a message. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


A BIG BIG BIG thank you to all who helped with our float in the Shelby Bicycle Days Parade! It was a great fun filled time, followed by a pizza party for all who participated! Thank you!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 Bicycle Days Parade Float

Hey Everyone! As most of you know, First Church will be participating in the 2015 Shelby Bicycle days Parade. JoAnna Johnson, Denise Richardson, Jill Karl, (Our church Youth), and many other's have been working very hard to get costumes, props, and various items prepared for our float. The Hay Wagon (Float Shell), (Which has been graciously provided by the Cooke Family), will be delivered to the back parking lot of the church Friday morning 7/10/15 around 10:00am. If you would like to help decorate and prepare the float please join us Friday Morning at 10:15ish behind the church. Pastor James could use some strong hands early as their are a few heavy items to be situated and stabilized on the wagon before it is decorated. The theme for our float is, "Be the Church," and we will be decorating the float with a "BEE" theme including our very own Bee Keeper (Steve Laser), Cute Bee hats (created by JoAnna and Denise), as well as a 1947 Shelby Flyer Bicycle with a Bee riding it, along with various signs stating what it means to Be the Church! PARTICIPANTS- Please be at Grand Boulevard dressed and ready by 12:50pm on Saturday 7/11/15 as judging of all floats occurs between 1:00pm and 1:30pm. Thanks Again Everyone! And remember BE THE CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!