Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer letter from Pastor Bob

Summer!  Always have and always will enjoy summer.  The main reason summer is so special – FAMILY.

From my viewpoint, summer begins with Mother’s Day, because the family gets together.  Then there’s Memorial Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, and Labor Day.  Each of those dates typically include a picnic or cookout with family.  And I almost forgot… the family vacation.  Ours has always been in the summer months. 

According to the Scriptures, our family times are the most valuable opportunities to invest in training the kids and grandkids spiritual truths.  In one of his final addresses to the people of God, Moses notes:

“Hear, O Israel:  The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

 (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)

During the coming lazy, hazy days of summer, let’s intentionally follow those instructions:

·        Love the Lord our God.

·        Impress the Lord’s commandments upon our family’s hearts.

·        Talk about the Lord’s commandments no matter what we are doing.


May God graciously give you a FANTASTIC SUMMER!


Pastor Bob

Welcome Associate Pastor Kristi Payne!


The Family of First UCC:


Greetings!  The fresh air is blowing through the office window.  The birds are chirping (I think they are singing “How Great is Our God”).  The morning is filled with the reminder of newness of life.

One year ago this week, I sat in the church office with Allison Fordyce and John Reimer.  Representing Church Council, they reviewed the Call Agreement between First UCC and the Life Through the Word Ministries.  Hard to believe, but it has been a year already!  Since May 2012, we have learned a lot together.  The most important:  How God can mold people together… in love.   Charlene and I love that you allow me to be your Lead Pastor.

As year number two begins, it is a joy to add to the First UCC pastoral staff team.  Kristi Payne has stood at the pulpit a dozen times in recent months.  In July, Kristi will receive ordination credentials.  That good news is superseded with the news that her first ministry position is with us!  On June first, Rev. Kristi Payne will become the Associate Pastor of Shelby’s First UCC!

The arrival to this point came through the process of pastor review, discussion among representatives of the Council and Elder Committee, and finally a vote of the Council.  The consensus… Good days ahead!

With an excited confidence, I want you to know that the future days are filled with the reality that TOGETHER… WE WILL DISCOVER GOD’S AGENDA FOR FIRST UCC!



With Gratitude,

Pastor Bob